A Father’s Rules

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.  Psalm 19:11


The Bible hit the wall on the other side of my room with a loud thud.  I was angry.  My dad instantly reacted, and I received a much-earned scolding and spanking.  My family had just gotten home from church, and I was acting out as the usual brat.  I don’t remember what made me so angry that day, but I still have the Bible with its broken cover.  This childhood memory often comes to mind when I reflect on my poor behavior as a child.  Now, as a dad myself, I consider the role of my dad in that scene.  Honestly, I regret putting him through that unnecessary heartache, but he did just what a good father would.  He disciplined an unruly child in love.  My dad had expectations for how my brothers and I should behave, and he taught us regularly, at home and through church, to live up to these expectations.  As any good father, he understood what was best for his kids and provided. 

Last week we studied Psalm 19 and learned that God has revealed Himself to humanity through creation, and specifically shown us His holy expectations in the Bible.  The heavens declare the glory of God and show off His power to create.  He has made a world for us that provides for our needs.  God made a home for humanity and then he made humanity.  As obvious as God’s existence is in creation, it’s just as obvious that the world is broken.  There is much pain and heartache in this world.  The home God made for us is not as good as it once was, and we need help.  In a similar way as my dad established expectations in our home growing up, God has set expectations for humanity in this world.  The rules my dad set in his home were like guardrails keeping me from going off the road into a ditch.  God’s rules are not to restrict us or deprive us.  Rather they are to provide what is best.  The word of God (the Bible) shows us how to live the best life into eternity.  Ultimately, Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.”  The Bible reveals how every person can have life abundantly through faith in Jesus Christ forever. 

So, how do we live then?  We understand that God has created everything and shown us how to live the best life.  But often, like this spoiled brat that threw his Bible across the room, we rebel against what God provides.  Our pride overcomes us, and we insist on living our own way.  We jump the guardrails God established and we run into the ditch too often.  Psalm 19 leads us to humble our hearts before the God who made us.  God certainly understands our needs better than we do and He cares for us.  His Word warns us of danger and shows us the way that leads to life.  Let’s heed the warnings, watch carefully how you live that you don’t fall into temptations, and focus on what is acceptable to the Lord. 


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