Reconciliation and Mission

Written by Alan Foster, missionary in Panama
When Pastor Jeromy invited me to write on “reconciliation and our God-given task to be on mission,” it was cause for much self-reflection, so this is a letter to me.
When prompted, “What is God’s mission and how am I a part of it?” we may think immediately of the foreign mission field with cities full of idols and demonic strongholds or villages with hungry bellies, fear, and hopelessness… or we may think of our efforts closer to home to love our neighbor after a tornado or evangelize a co-worker. The simple answer is that God’s mission is to reconcile the world to himself. And the starting point for discovering God’s mission and God’s calling on my life is being reconciled to Him. (2 Cor. 5) And while reconciliations on earth with others can be drawn-out, messy, incomplete, or even humanly impossible, the beauty of the Gospel is the simplicity of reconciliation to Jesus. Just ask. Read more…

Outdoor Worship Guide, June 28


June 21, Outdoor Worship Guide

Happy Father’s Day! We hope that you have a great day full of joy as we celebrate the fathers in our lives. Today we will read Ephesians 6:1-4 understanding the mission God has given fathers to lead their homes to know God and follow Him faithfully. Thank you for joining us in worship.
Before leaving the house:
Prepare for worship. So often we come to worship ready to receive from God and recharge our spiritual batteries. These are good things, but they are not most important in our worship. Worship is when we offer ourselves to God for His glory and service. We can prepare our hearts by praying before going to church, confessing sin, listening to worship music, and reading the Bible.
KREW for Kids. At 9am KREW will continue to air live on Facebook for all children. Encourage your children to participate, worship together, and study God’s Word together.
Pack what you need. You will need your Bible, song lyrics and outdoor chairs. You will be able to sit as a family in your lawn chairs or remain in your car for worship. Song lyrics are included in the Outdoor Worship Guide. Tents/umbrellas are welcome for shade, but there will be designated areas to keep the view of others clear.
Plan to arrive early. You will need time to park, unpack and set up your chairs. Service will start at 10am, and its helpful if everyone is ready to begin together.
When you arrive at Bethel:
Parking areas. There will be designated areas for parking. There will be parking attendants and greeters to help you park and answer your questions.
Seating. To maintain social distancing and safety there will be flags marking where each family can sit. We ask that you respect others by keeping a safe distance and stay within these marked areas.
Limit handshakes, hugs, and other physical contact. It is important that we remain safe as we regather. Please do not shake hands, give hugs, or other physical contact. We will not have a printed worship guide.
Offering. You may continue to give to the gospel ministry online (www.lovingbethel.com). We will collect offerings as part of our worship service for those who wish to give in person.
After Outdoor Worship has ended:
Dismiss safely. Please continue to social distance but share love with one another as we dismiss.
Family Sermon Guide. You will find a Family Sermon Guide with questions to discuss in the Outdoor Worship Guide.

Are you a multiplier?

And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:11-12 Read more…

Outdoor Worship Guide, June 7

Reconciliation: God’s Mission. We are exploring God’s mission to reconcile the world to Himself through Jesus Christ and our role in His mission. You and I both have a responsibility to share Jesus with others and help the come to faith in Christ. But its hard. We are all very busy. How do we join God on mission? Sunday we will dig into 2 Corinthians 5-6 together and see. Come join us! Read more…