“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living, just because He lives!” – lyrics Because He Lives, Bill Gaither
The sun shone brightly through the windows of that church. As a young boy, I stood in the pew toward the back with my family, but I was near the center aisle. I didn’t like sitting in the middle of the pew because I couldn’t see the singer on the stage. I enjoyed listening to Richard Swearingen lead the congregation in worship. His voice rang with a thick southern twang that no one else could mimic. What intrigued me most was the joy with which he sang the hymns like Victory in Jesus and Because He Lives. I’m sure the message of salvation and hope in these lyrics inspired him on stage. It certainly inspired me in the pew, and the congregation sang loudly in worship.
Now each time I hear these hymns, I remember those days in that church with a sweet nostalgia. But the message is not lost on me either. Jesus is alive! Because He lives our future is certain. We have no need to fear. Every day now is worth living because He lives. What an encouraging song. I’ve come a long way since those days. There were days of doubt, rebellious attitude, and moments of loneliness since then. But Jesus made all the difference in my life, as he has for so many, and still does.
How are we to respond to Jesus? This man who walked on earth over 2000 years ago continues to change lives today. What is it about Jesus that has continued to influence so many cultures and communities? Many are inspired by His teachings. Others are in awe of His miracles of healing and walking on water. But more amazingly, He is the only person to live, die and rise again by the power of God. He overcame death like no one else has. He lived a perfect life we all want for ourselves and our children. A life filled with acts of generosity, compassion, love, humility, and service. Yet the religious snobs of His day had Him crucified. Many want to follow His love and mercy but turn away when He calls them to deny themselves and take up their crosses.
Jesus died willingly without contention because He died as a substitutionary sacrifice for the guilt of the world. Then He radically forgave the very ones who nailed him to the cross. Jesus lived a life we all aspire for but always fall short. Jesus showed us the best way to live and He offers eternal life to any who would receive Him by faith and follow Him when its easy and when its hard. Because He lives, life today is worth living. Our Lord Jesus is still worth worshipping.