God is Great

Photo by Ray Aucott on Unsplash
“To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” asks the Holy One. Isaiah 40:25 Read more…

A Father’s Rules

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 19:11 Read more…

God Speaks

God Speaks to You
Psalm 19
Thank you for taking interest in reading this blog. If you don’t know a lot about the Bible, I hope these posts will help you learn. If you are looking for a tool to help you remain in God’s Word, I hope these posts will help you. Today I encourage you to open your Bible to Psalm 19 (or go to www.biblegateway.com). Go ahead and read it. As you read it, take note of words or phrases that stick out to you. These words or phrases might be things you don’t understand and have questions about, or things that you learned new. These words or phrases might be ideas you want to remember. Read more…

Reading the Bible to Understand

The Bible is a complex book full of meaning for your life. God gave us the Bible to reveal His own nature and purpose to us, and how we can relate to Him. He has expressed His deep love for us through the pages of the book, and with through the chapters and verses He shows us how we can be near to Him forever. Read more…

Preparing for Online Worship April 26

Welcome to a new sermon series title Living Your Best Life. We will study portions of Deuteronomy for the next few weeks. As we study, we will learn keys to living the life God intended for us to live. Moses is nearing the end of his life and preparing the next generation to enter into God’s promised land. Before they do, he has final words to share that they will live the best life in the promises of God. Read more…