Jesus, the Prophet

When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.”  John 7:40

One of the most asked questions for the last two thousand years has been, “Is Jesus really the promised Messiah?”  In John chapter 7, the Jewish people were conflicted over who Jesus was and how to respond to Him.  In that day, Jesus worked miracles – healing a man unable to walk and even feeding thousands of people with a young boy’s lunch.  These were amazing things to witness!  He also taught from the scriptures in a way that was different from what people were used to hearing.  He challenged the viewpoints and traditions of the religious elites and seemed to care for the hurting and vulnerable.  What were they supposed to believe about this miracle working teacher? 

God promised the Jews in the days of Moses that He would send a prophet to them like Moses who will speak truth.  God wanted the people to listen to this prophet and believe what He says (Deuteronomy 18:15-22).  Many were watching and waiting for this prophet to come, but would they recognize Him?  When Jesus came, the religious leaders of the day wanted to arrest and kill Jesus to silence him.  Some people thought Jesus was controlled by an evil spirit.  Jesus’ own brothers didn’t believe in Him.  But some did believe in Jesus.  “They said, When the Christ appears, will he do more signs than this man has done?” (John 7:31) Even the officers sent to arrest Jesus returned without Him saying, “No one ever spoke like this man!” (John 7:46) The question, “Who is Jesus?” is still being asked by many today.  What do you think?

  1. Jesus was sent by God the Father. (7:16) Multiple times in John chapter 7, Jesus refers to “Him who sent Me.” Jesus acknowledged that He was sent by the Father to accomplish a mission.  He came to carry out the will of God making a way for sinners (like you and me) to be restored to a right relationship with God forever. 

  2. Jesus submitted to the will of the Father. (7:17) He did not come to do his own thing, but to accomplish the will of God. Our heavenly Father has been working out His plan to save sinners since Adam’s rebellion in the garden of Eden.  The religious elites wanted the people to remain under the burden of their traditions and religion because it gave them power and prestige.  However, Jesus came to heal and forgive those in desperate need. 

  3. Jesus spoke the truth of God. (7:18) A prophet doesn’t speak his own words and ideas.  A preacher doesn’t proclaim his own thoughts and advice.  A true prophet of God speaks the message of God.  Jesus spoke the truth with greater authority and influence than anyone else.  He called out sin, called for repentance, and called us to receive the hope of eternal life. 

  4. Jesus sought the glory of God (7:18) Jesus did not seek out the limelight. Many, like His brothers, wanted Jesus to become a public celebrity.  However, Jesus recognized the time wasn’t right.  The religious elites wanted glory for themselves, but not Jesus. 

  5. Jesus invites us to believe in Him. (7:37) Jesus was sent by the Father to accomplish the Father’s will. God the Father has made a way for hungry, thirsty sinners to be healed and forgiven.  The Father invites us back into a relationship with Him through Jesus.  As the Prophet, Jesus has shown us the way to the Father, spoken the truth of the Father to us, and offered us life with the Father forever. 

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