“Social distancing may end up becoming family distancing,” Jimmy Fallon. Let’s be honest, some of us may be feeling the need for some time away. So many families have been affected by the closure of school, restaurants, stores, jobs, etc. Now parents and kids are spending lots of extra time together that none of us anticipated. What do we do with all this extra time together? Here are a few ideas that will help us make the most of our time together.
- Eat around the table together. I love Psalm 128:3-4, “Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” When we spend time together around the table, we share life, laugh together, and get to know one another more. In the busyness of life, when sports, appointments, homework and other things drew us apart, right now we have the blessed opportunity to gather.
- Play together. My kids have been wanting a flat-swing for a long time now. The other day I climbed a 14-foot ladder (dangerous I know) and hung one from the limb of pecan tree. The last couple days they’ve spent so much time pushing one another on this swing. I’ve gotten dizzy spinning on that swing. Play together is a memory maker. Find those swings, board games, video games, and other activities you can do together. You might even go for a hike but keep a social distance.
- Learn together. Right now, in South Carolina, every student is a homeschooler. Some parents are more than prepared for this, and others feel like they are in over their heads. Much thanks to the schools and teachers for all their hard work. Parents, as your kids begin their schoolwork, engage with them. Have your kids teach you what they are learning. Find art activities for your kids to do, and songs they can sing together. Parents communicate with one another what works in your home as you guys learn together.
- Pray together. By now most parents have talked with their kids about the coronavirus. Remind them that God is in control. Help them understand that there are people hurting and in need all around the world. We are all doing our part to protect others from the virus by staying home. The most important thing we can do is pray for everyone. As a family take time to pray for the government, health officials, teachers, neighbors and trust God to work.
- Read the Bible together. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” God expects us to know His word together. Right now, we aren’t gathering in children’s ministry, youth ministry, or Prayer and Bible study groups. Today, your family is your small group. In our house, we take turns reading a chapter and simply talking about it together. Let your kids pick a Bible passage and read it to you. Consider what God is teaching you through it, and then pray that you all obey.