Justice, Kindness, and a Walk

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
In these days of unrest, I keep coming back to this verse in Micah. We are all angry and frustrated over the effects of COVID, but also the injustices we’ve witnessed over the last week. How different things would be if we each would pattern our lives around this verse. Some of us are questioning how to speak and respond to the tragic events taking place. I encourage you to search the Scriptures as they are sufficient for all godliness.
In Micah 6:8, the first observation is that there is a right way and a wrong way. The Lord has shown us the right way, what is good. He desires that we follow the right way. As we study God’s Word, we learn more and more the way of life He has called us to.
Micah defines what is good as doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God. The fact is that we are to do what is right, cherish kindness toward others as we walk in a right relationship with God. God has shown us what is right in the Word of God. Psalm 19:8 says, “The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living.” God’s rules for life are best for all of us. And we can find answers we seek in His Word.
God has also demonstrated the kindness and mercy we are to show toward others through the life of Jesus. His mercy is perfect. The word mercy literally means “withholding what someone deserves for wrongdoing.” In our sin we deserve punishment and death as we offend a Holy God. Yet Jesus came and died in our place, receiving the punishment for our sin that we deserved. He did this so that we would be made right with him in faith and escape the punishment and death. What mercy! We should give others the kindness Jesus has given us.

Outdoor Worship Guide, May 31

I enjoyed walking through parts of Deuteronomy these last few weeks with you. It is clear that our best life is lived when we respond to God’s grace in faith, fearing Him as Lord, and obeying His loving commands. Next, we will explore God’s Mission of Reconciliation as we study Paul’s conversion and his part in God’s mission. Hope to see you Sunday on the church lawn! Read more…

Outdoor Worship Guide, May 24

We are excited to worship OUTDOORS with you and your family today. Come, regather with us on the grassy lot on campus. Bring a lawn chair with you. See below for more details on how to prepare. If you cannot attend the outside worship, we will still make worship available through Facebook at 10 also. Everyone should be able to connect with us! Read more…

Family Worship Guide May 17

We are excited to worship with you and your family today. Today we are continuing Facebook Live worship. Next week, May 24 we will regather for Outdoor Worship at 10am! If you cannot attend the outside worship, we will still make worship available through Facebook at 10 also. Everyone should be able to connect with us!
Let us know if you have any questions about Outdoor Worship this week, but for now settle in for a time of praise and preaching. We will be in Deuteronomy 6 today, focused on passing the Best Life on to the Next Generation. Read more…

Preparing for Online Worship, Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! Today we celebrate our Mothers. Each one of us should take the time to honor our Mothers and our wives daily, but this weekend we take time to really thank them for all they do. In the Bible, mothers are incredibly important. There are some really good examples of mothers and some not-so-good examples in the Bible. Read more…