I’m an optimist. I certainly see the upside in most situations. I’m glad that negative circumstances don’t seem to overwhelm me, though I get concerned quite often. I just try to find the positive in the negative, or the opportunity in the challenge. I would much rather see the world with optimist eyes than with pessimism, but not everyone is wired this way. I know many pessimists. I have friends and loved ones that always see the glass half empty. It’s not wrong to think optimistically or pessimistically unless your view denies reality. Often its what we choose to focus on most when facing real challenges that determines whether we are optimistic or pessimistic. I wonder which way you think?
In our world its easy to think with overwhelming pessimism. We face challenges and troubles day after day. Our culture and communities don’t seem to be improving, but rather tearing apart at the seams. It’s harder to make something better than it is to ruin it. The Bible teaches that the world is corrupted by sin, and humanity (sinners) endures the consequences of the fall every day. How can we change the world for the better? Is there hope for our country? How will I get out of this financial dilemma? We desire resolutions to our constant problems. If we focus too much on the problems, we can become anxious, depressed, or hopeless.
The woman at the well in John 4 certainly had challenges. Her promiscuous lifestyle choices had left her abandoned. She was shunned by others – alone. She sought fulfillment in relationships, but they all seemed to leave her empty. Could this be all there is to life? Is this what her life would amount to? Was there not any hope for something greater? If the narrative ended there, it would be an unfortunate history. But it doesn’t end there. Someone enters into her messy life story and makes all the difference. She looked for the coming Messiah that would answer her questions and perhaps give her direction. And here He is talking with her beside a well. She wouldn’t be the same again.
While its easy to be a pessimist in our world today, we can all be optimists because of Jesus. The narrative of Scripture is not about the disappointing failure of sinful man, but the overwhelming hope sinful man has in their Savior. God came into this messy, broken, sinful, rebellious world to live and die for our rescue. He lived a perfect, holy life and became the perfect substitute for our sin. By dying on the cross and rising from the dead, Jesus paid the penalty of our sin and promised complete spiritual restoration for those who trust in Him. We are not overwhelmed by the miserable challenges in this life because Jesus has overcome them for us and made a way for us to have eternal life with Him. Jesus has given us eternal hope.
Are you focusing on the negative today, or the hope we have in Jesus?